Interested in riding waves here’s 7 quick tips to get you up and surfing quicker and safer:
1. When you get rolled by a wave and you find yourself trapped under it you should let the bar out instead of trying to fly the kite while you are disoriented yourself. This simple action allows you to recover your orientation quicker (ie. work out which way is up!).
2. A common mistake amongst novice kitesurfers is that they try to steer with their boards. Kitesurfing however is largely about the kite. Hence, if you are changing directions then you should do so with the kite leading.
3. Once riding on the wave you should keep the kite as low as possible (to keep you on the wave!).
4. While learning the quick top and bottom turns common on waves beginner wave riders can steer to early too early with the board and so lose a lot of tension in the lines as the wave carries you fast towards your kite. Once you’ve lost tension you are effectively surfing, which can be great if that was what you intended of terrifying if you didn’t and you now have a 20ft monster breathing down your neck. Solve this by entering the turn with your kite first (see 2 above).
5. One of the best ways of mastering and conquering a wave is to pick it out early. Going for a wave once it’s already formed means you arrive to the party too late. Try to pick your waves early.
6. Getting the sense of a wave is important because it allows you to visualize its movements and antics. Spend time on the beach just watching the waves, once you start to understand how the wave is forming and breaking you can work out how to ride it more effectively.
7. When you start dropping into a wave it is wise to lower your center of gravity by bending your knees. A lower center of gravity means greater balance and even better control.
Thanks to the guys over at kiteworld.net for the basis of this post.
If you’ve got any questions relating to any of the techniques mentioned here why not let us know in the comments below.