Check Out The NTX Weight Loss Program
The guy just hung up…
At first I was pretty shocked, my first response was to be angry. After all, no one likes being hung up on.
Then I started to think about it and realised it was a shame that he’d reacted like that.
I really could have helped him and now would never get the chance.
You see, I was on a call with a guy yesterday who wanted to lose 45 kilos and had tried everything, but just couldn’t shift the weight and keep it off.
I was really excited as these are the people who I love getting results for at it literally changes their life.
Everything was going great until he asked me what diet I follow.
I told him I follow my own diet but that it includes meat.
He lost it. He told me he was vegan and so how could I possibly help him.
He asked me if I’d ever been vegan. I told him “No.”
He rolled his eyes and said, “So how the hell are you going to help me? You eat meat, you’ve never been vegan!”
This was the moment he hung up.
Now he was absolutely right, as I said, I’ve never been vegan and have no intention of ever being vegan…but it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to help vegans lose weight.
You see, weight loss is independent of which particular diet you’re following.
The underlying principles of weight loss apply across all diets…
So I don’t care if your Vegan or full blown Carnivore, Keto, Paleo, Atkins, Weight Watchers or anything in-between…it really makes no difference to me (it doesn’t mean I don’t understand each of those diets in detail…I do)
But by following the plan in our NTX Weight Loss Program you can be on any diet you want and still lose weight.
Check Out The NTX Weight Loss Program
I’d love to show you how you can lose 20+ kilos in the next 6 weeks and keep it off without ever counting calories, going hungry or spending hours in the gym.
See you on the water,
Owner of Tantrum & Creator of The NTX System