Tom Brady, nearly 40, Quarterback of the Patriots and 5 times Super Bowl Winner.
Every year the Patriots run a battery of tests, both physical and laboratory tests. Measuring a load of different physical traits..acceleration, speed, power etc and also tracking biomarkers, testosterone, growth hormone etc.
For the last few years Tom’s have been getting better, coupled with that, he says he’s never felt so good. When he was 25 everything hurt all the time, now he barely notices it.
So what’s going on here…he’s not following the normal pattern that we hear all the time, how is he defying age…and resisting the need to use that words that so get on my pecs…”it’s just old age.”
About 10 years ago he rejected the NFL’s traditional medicine, which was generally based around fill the player full of drugs and tell them to get on with it, and he sought out an alternative doctor…much to the ridicule of his teammates.
This doctor amongst other things, changed his diet (incidentally, we’ve been feeding this same diet to you guys on our camps for years) and a number of other things. Cutting out inflammatory foods that made him weak and adding in a whole host of whole foods designed to cut inflammation and give the body the building blocks it needs to maintain itself. But also adjusting his lifestyle to be designed around cellular renewal and regeneration
The results speak for themselves. Just to remind you, his test results have got progressively better, year on year, for the last few years and at 39 he is still playing in the Super Bowl!
This is a message that is being repeated all over the world, and is certainly something that i have found in my life and that we seen on our camps and in my work with kitesurfers rebuilding their lifestyle of optimal performance.

I have seen that many of the problems that afflicted my clients, that they used to put down to old age, were nothing of the sort. Merely problems that often time could be corrected by a change in lifestyle once the cause had been identified.
The problem isn’t age, it’s lifestyle, it’s what you eat, what you drink, how you exercise, how you sleep, how you handle stress…these are the underlying factors that will determine if you’re still kitesurfing when you are 65 or are sat on the beach, watching, saying, “I used to do that when I was young.”
To read the original article, click here.